Perfect Cottages Privacy Policy
Perfect Cottages is an product aggregation service based around holiday cottages. It was created by Manicgrin Media Ltd.
The data we collect about you
We do not collect any personal information about you.
Affiliate links
All links to external merchant websites are affiliate links. We may, should you buy a product after clicking through on one of our affiliate links, we get a small commission. This costs you nothing, and the revenue goes towards paying for the upkeep and hosting of the website.
Google Universal Analytics
We use Google Universal Analytics to collect information about how you use our site. We do this to analyse usage and browsing trends and help us make improvements to the site content and user experience. If you’d rather not have this information recorded it’s possible to opt out of Google Analytics using this online tool. You can find out more about how Google use your data via their Privacy Policy.
We use Google Analytics to track:
- The pages you view
- Where you came from (e.g. a search engine)
- How long you spend on our website
- Your behaviour once on the site (e.g. the sequence of pages you visit)
- Your geographical location
This site and Google Analytics may set the following cookies:
- _ga: This cookie assigns a random number to identify a browsing session for the purposes of tracking website usage. It expires after 2 years.
- _gid: This cookie assigns a value to each page to assist with tracking site usage. It expires after 24 hours.
- _gat_UA_: This cookie manages page request rate. It expires after 10 minutes.
We use basic geolocation using your IP address to identify which country you are in. This is only used to set default options in our search form. This information is not stored beyond that already detailed above.
Here is a list of the cookies stored for this session: